Cloud & Infrastructure Management

Transform your business into a digital power house.

Leverage the power of Cloud in your processes and boost the productivity manifolds

Our cloud and infrastructure management services are taking businesses to a next level of growth and sustainability, globally.
Disaster Recovery
Increased Collaborations
Security & Flexibility

Stay ahead by leveraging the technological evolution in Cloud and Cloud-based IT solutions

With our cloud and infrastructure management solutions we have successfully transformed various business sectors like Insurance & warranties, publication, taxation, risk management, finance and FMCG and sports management. Cloud stays to be the present and the future for any business industry to rise technologically.

Cloud & Infrastructure Management

Through our cloud migration services, we assist you with digital transformation and migrating to the cloud through the right approach, roadmap, workflow model, and ecosystem alliances.

scalong Has Helped Many Businesses Figure Out

We ensure a smooth transition of business applications and data to top cloud platforms including Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP, VMWare and other enterprise cloud solutions as part of our cloud infrastructure migration.

Scalong has Helped Many Businesses Figure Out

Where to Move

What to Move

How to Move

Cloud Migration Process

Cloud migration process that Scalong uses

  • Define Strategy

    We build cloud strategy and goals based on your workload priorities, business objectives, and migration factors.

  • Evaluate Current Infrastructure

    We identify your infrastructure, create a thorough inventory of it, and evaluate your on-premises setups.

  • Migration Approach

    Based on assignment requirements, timelines, milestones, resources, and budget, we create a comprehensive migration plan.

  • Administrative readiness

    We assist your IT and app development teams to sustain the cloud technology, migration tools, and operating processes.

  • Implement Migration

    In accordance with the defined migration plan, our cloud professionals migrate your workloads to the cloud environment in stages.

  • Security & Accessibility

    We assist you in managing and securing your workloads in all cloud environments.

Our Cloud Services

We offer cloud based IT solutions with cloud infrastructure management for your business.
Cloud Consulting
Infra & Application Migration
Database Service Migration
Backup & Restore Services
Deployment Services
Security Management
Disaster Recovery
Monitoring & Alerting
DevOps Support
DNS Management
Audit & Log Management
Managed & Migration Services
Active Directory Identity & Access
IOT Solutions
BI Tools

Benefits of Choosing Scalong

Deploy any service with
the click of a button

Harness Data Analytics capabilities to provide enhanced Customer experience

Rapid development And Deployment capabilities

Rewrite services in Record time

Provide top Quality Customer experience

Team of 200+ Engineers, Project Managers & Marketers

Tools And Technologies

Need Cloud Implementation for business?

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